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.:: Keep Calm and try to be more humble as long as we can ::.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Birthday boys

The end of July is my birthday also my other friend's birthday and ketulan bulan depannya pula dah pose so we'll enjoy that with having lunch together at McDonald's...cam tak tau pula apa lagi melantak r habis2 habisan..hahaha tapi makan ingatla Tuhan ye. OK.
i must say that the day is awesome gler and macam budak2 sikit la pastu.

So let's check it out all the photo and make some rojak2 (joke) to make it fun. hehehe

I'm getting nervous to open the GCV Burger!!! lol
This is a junk food where cannot eat everyday.
tak boleh makn hari2 ok.
tapi benda nilah yg paling sedap kan
that is pak cik amir who ngap burgernya...

Actually after the McD time we have a TEPUNG party at Bahagia street but mana boleh upload gambar tu. sory to say r bro..haha. mmmmm bcoz time tu hodoh gler n bestttttt gler!
here are my friends which cannot control their macho...hahaha. Amir is blushing so dye cuba untuk menyembunyikan muka dia la. Btw that day was so cool. Thanks to all my bro for support. Atiq n Aishah don't be jeles-jeles k. Korang enjoy kat rumah jew la. NO la gurau je. Harap lepas ni kita bleh buat event lagi besar.


  1. hoi ak nk j0in jgk!!! x ajk pown , smpi ati.majok!

  2. hahaha...relaxla ifa,nnti zim bawak ifa.hehehe

  3. no problem..hehehe!!!!but,ifah dah demam.so,zim x dpat nak blanja ifah.haha...

  4. hahaha...tula sape sruh minum air batu!!!!
